Oars C.Cert 2105 (11)
Oars Charge Cert completes its 25th Year

Oars C.Cert 2105 (10)After this weekend just about 300 scouts and leaders over the years have taking the Oars Charge Cert course since it began back in 1990. Over the weekend scouts from all 3 sections took boating instruction to complete this year’s practical oars charge cert. The course leaders Kevin Rowan , Colum McCaffrey and Ger Duffy put the crews through the practical syllabus that included rowing in a boats crew ,taking charge of a multi-oar pulling boat ,react to an emergency , row a punt single handed, and complete other manoeuvers , including embarking ,disembarking, coming alongside and picking up a marker buoy. Scouts also ,made and demonstrated the use of the oldest navigation aid , the lead line which dates back to Egyptian times.
Congratulations to all who took part. Next year’s course will commence in January 2016.
April 2015