WhatsApp Image 2018-11-11 at 11.44.24 (3)
Inter-Troop Regatta Win 2018

Congratulations to the Wednesday Troop who were the 2018 winners of the captains wheel trophy for their close win in the inner-troop regatta series this season!
x4 events were hosted this year with each Troop taking their turn lead and manage all aspects of the event which was all excellent fun.
Scores were tight between the Troops tallying to Wed:37 points, Fri:41 points and Néala:43 points.
Trophy presented by the Boatmaster Colum McCaffrey to Wed Troop Senior Watchleader & team captain Shane Murphy and Wed Troop Skipper Cameron Newman at the recent Laying Up Supper.

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-11 at 11.44.24 (3)troops troops1 troops2 troops3 troops4 troops5 troops6 troops7 troops8 troops9