Friday Troop Ireland’s Eye
Super day on the water; you’d hardly guess it was October.
Great adventure for the Friday Troop to Ireland’s Eye – Covid Retreat Centre – for a spot of lunch yesterday!
Boat handling and seamanship skills seeing a marked improvement. Excellent teamwork, coordination and planning.
Onboard Danú, Reveille and Dul Siar with a steady NNW 10/14 knots giving a good 4/5 knots boat speed out with the tide.
Leaving the channel, kissing the sandbar along the way, past the paddlers and a downwind bearing of 155°M.
Spinnaker launched and made short work reaching the island.
Boats anchored and transits checked. And double checked.
A hot cup of tea + cooked sausages prepared by Chef Kav with some island exploring on the side before our return journey home again.
Winds eased and sails taut as we arrived back into Malahide greeted by the Amiko Beavers finishing off their awesome 10km CSA hike around the estuary which finished with a powerboat shuttle-run from Donabate back to the Den.