Launch Day 2023

Last weekend we celebrated our 104th Launch Day!

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ventures, Scouters, Parents & Friends all gathered at the Den to launch the 2023 Boating Season!
It was a beautiful day with ideal winds and plenty of sunshine.
A tradition for some of our youngest Beavers to ring the Albatross Bell in front of the gathered crowd to formally open the season followed by the blessing of the boats wishing well and safe passage to all afloat.
This then gave the signal to launch the fleet where over 150 young people got out for a taster of sailing, rowing, powerboating and paddling.

On the shore, our Cubs hosted a BBQ and bake sale with all donations towards our friends at the RNLI – nearly €900 raised!

Fair winds and following seas to everyone this year.
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