Monday Cubs

We run a fun packed meeting with 41 Cubs and over 10 Leaders. We have many activities throughout the year including swimming, team work, outdoor skills, compass work.

We work with the cubs aged 9-12 yrs to improve team skills,build on self esteem, and have fun in a safe environment.

We take part in district events such as Halloween cub disco, ice skating, pantomime, hikes,zoo visit .

Elaine Dunne is the Leader in charge.

Our meetings are open to cubs aged between 9 – 12.

Our programme runs from September until June, with increasing participation in canoeing activities, which are occasional  run during the summer.

We finish in June with a joint BBQ with other cub packs.

    Click on the albums below to see more

    Monday Cubs 2013
    Monday Cubs 2013Nov 17, 2013Photos: 33

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    Monday Cubs Lough Dan 201519-05-2015_016607-03-2015_0824
