Cú Chulainn Cubs

Our Leader in charge is Neil Donnelly. We meet every Thursday from 7:00PM to 8:15PM

Upcoming Events

Cub Scout Uniform
The Scout Uniform consists of the following

Cub Jumper

Sea Scout Membership Badge

Dark Trousers

Group Neckerchief

Malahide badge for neckerchief

Scouting Ireland Woggle

Dark Socks

Dark Shoes/Hiking Boots

You can order online from www.theScoutShop.ie with free deliveries over €50 and free returns. You can also do size fittings in the Scout Shop in Dublin, Cork and Bray.

Badge Chart – Malahide Sea Scouts Badge locations

Thursday Cubs Uniform

Neckerchief with Malahide Sea Scouts Badge

Thrusday Cubs Uniform


Get in contact with us at cuchulainn.cubs@malahideseascouts.ie