
Whether you’ve come up through the ranks in Scouts/Ventures or just come in off the street, you need to complete the following steps in order to become a Scout Leader.

1. Make contact with a Scouter (leader) in our Group who will refer you to our Induction Facilitator (Kevin Rowan).

2. Attend a one hour Induction session in Malahide Scout Den which covers: Welcome, Registration, Induction (Commitment , Role, Characteristics) and Familiarization as well as providing an opportunity to meet your Mentor. (Please note during Covid this takes place online by Zoom Meeting instead).

3. Complete an online application (you will need to supply 2 reputable referees, only 1 may be a member of Scouting Ireland, along with their contact details – mobile numbers only).

4. Complete an e-learning module which takes approx. 30 minutes to complete (this step is not required if you have come up through the ranks in Scouts/Ventures).

5. Once your application has been approved, Scouting Ireland will send you a Garda eVetting Document and ID form that needs to be filled out. These, along with two original IDs, need to be submitted to Kevin Rowan, who will sign off on the IDs and then submit all the documents to Scouting Ireland. (With regard to the IDs: one must be either a passport or driving license, while the other can be a student card, domestic bill, company ID, or a bankcard.)

6. Your Section Mentor will then inform you of the next available ‘Being a Scouter’ weekend course which you must complete before been fully integrated into Malahide Sea Scouts as a Scouter.  Please note during Covid this course takes place online by Zoom Meeting.

For further reading please see some Scouting Ireland resources below:

Welcoming Adults to Scouting (Induction) resource

Code of Practice