What did you do this weekend?
Attending to aptients on REC 3 course at the Malahide Sea Scout den

Attending to patients on REC 3 course at the Malahide Sea Scout den

What did you do this weekend? Well if it was nothing ? down at the  Scout  Den in Malahide you would have being spoilt for choice. Less than 12 hours after the school doors closing for the Easter break scouts were busy engrossed in their choice of activity over the weekend. Twelve senior scouts and leaders started their weekend on a REC3 lifesaving course. The course commenced Friday evening and continued till Sunday evening. During that time the scouts were taken through mock up  incidents should a multitude of accidents happen at an  activity. Featured broken legs , sprained wrists , fainted subjects , heart failure ,blocked airway etc .

Broken leg!

Broken leg!

While this was going all round the den other scouts very busy completing boat maintenance, sanding, repairing ,patching and cleaning down the boats to get them ready in time for the start of the season.

Leaders from Bray,Howth and Malahide Sea Scouts

Leaders from Bray,Howth and Malahide Sea Scouts

On the water the watch leaders and leaders were completing the practical boating exercise for the Oars Advance Charge Certificate. The exercise included man-overboard drill , steering a course through  a  crowded anchorage , exercise with loss of a rudder , preparing a sea anchor , following a compass course and good boat handling skills.

Coxswain instruction .Hold water starboard give way port!

Coxswain instruction .Hold water starboard give way port!

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