Camping in VIRGINIA

Visitors Day

We got a good site for our annual  standing camp ,elevated,and over looking Lough Ramor. 55 scouts and 14 leaders of the Wednesday night troop camped  from the Friday 5th August to Sunday 14th of August on the side of Lough Ramor,Virginia , Co.Cavan.. The programme for the week included kayaking , rowing , power boating , campcraft,outdoor cooking ,inter Watch competition,ground training,sleeping under canvas,night hikes ,navigating,wide games ,cycle hikes ,and a day trip to Belfast by coach.


The bigger camp craft projects would need certain skill to construct.Good lashings,  get the balance right, plenty of patience and the pleasure of seen it been finished. Everybody gets involved whether its the slow netting on a sisal gate to achieving the perfect balance weight to see that it works.

Scouting has that difference about it when camping and working in the outdoors. Here young people develop life’s skills ,that they will look back on as a  great  experience and having the best of fun.

Easy does it