More Leaders, Train – up in First Aid


Dealing with injuries

Dealing with injuries

It could be a small cut, to a bee sting or a little more serious a compound fracture.  All was covered recently by the leaders and watch leaders of Malahide Sea Scout group at their full day training in First Aid. 22 leaders signed up for the course which was held in Malahide Yacht Club Broadmeadow premises on Malahide’s Upper Estuary.

A must for all volunteer leaders to do before completing their training is to have an up to date First Aid Certificate. The course began early on Saturday morning with introductions, and the plan of the days programme. Sessions soon followed from dealing with cuts, burns and fractures. Demonstrations were given by the instructors in dealing with minor and more serious incidents. The emphasis was always on dealing with accidents that occur in the outdoors as this is where scouts have most of their activities.

Some written work

Some written work

The group got the opportunity to practice Artificial Resuscitation a vital exercise in revising an unconscious person either by mouth to mouth resuscitation or compressions to the chest. The Deliberator was explained its importance should a person’s heart stop.  Before the course concluded participants completed a written test to gain their grade in First Aid. A big thank you to our instructors, Blathain Mc Caffrey for refreshments and to MYC for their hospitality.

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