Tonnta Cubs Investiture 5th May 2021 (1)
Cub Scouting Opens in Malahide

Tonnta Cubs Investiture-20210505 (1)After a longer than expected hibernation from lockdown the Tonnta Cub Pack began scouting in the outdoors.

During their second outing 24 new members were invested into the Cub Pack. Cubs had been preparing during the lockdown for their investiture by partaking in Zoom nights with the Scouters. Part of the preparation is to familiarize and discuss the meaning of the Scout Promise and Law.

The  Scout Promise is a social commitment they make and share with the Cub Pack to do ones best. On the other hand the Scout Law is a code of living with positive values that they voluntary adhere too. It also asks and guide scouts to be caring , friendly and generous to those around them both inside and outside of Scouting.

On the evening of the investiture the cubs were split into pods of 6 six and were joined by one parent  to partake in one of the most important events in their scouting journey.  Skipper Kiva and her fellow Scouters oversaw the evening events while Group Leader  John Butterly , Deputy Group Leader Kevin Rowan, Scouter Colin Lynch and Group Chairperson Pat Moyne invested the cubs.