Helmsman & Navigator Badges
The Helmsman Badges are aimed at Scouts and the Navigator Badges aimed at Ventures. For an overview of the nautical scheme please click on the image:
Requirements for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Helmsman Badges and the Bronze, Silver and Gold Navigator Badges are summarised in the documents below:
Some resources that you may find useful are listed below:
As a first stop for more resources (anchors, flags, engines and drives, tides summary & local hazzards, Beaufort Scale etc) go to the Cubs Boatsman Badge page, that has a lot of resources that are equally useful for Scouts or Ventures.
Our Adventure Skills Sailing page also has relevant resources: http://www.malahideseascouts.ie/leader-resources-training/badgeworkskills-resources/sailing/
For further resources on the nautical scheme go to SeaScouting
But for even more detailed resources check out the Boatmaster section of our website and select ‘Boat Training Resources’